Wednesday 10 October 2012


Curated by Rowan Sexton, Metamorphosis is an exhibition showing work by Andrea Spencer (UK), Stephen Brandes (UK), Vanessa Donoso López (ES), Priscila Fernandes (PT), Cainneach Lennon (IE), Tom Molloy (IE), Ann Murphy (IE) and Magnhild Opdøl (NO).

Metamorphosis alludes to the process of transformation, where a profound change of form, structure or substance occurs. This exhibition aims to establish clear associations between art and the natural sciences, and to contextualize these dual frameworks, where significant cultural common ground exists. The biological mechanisms of growth, change and evolution are examined in tandem with material, philosophical and conceptual concerns within the visual arts. Highlighting the mutual elements in these distinct disciplines opens up a discourse, which emphasizes experimental overlaps, perception and interpretation, in an historical and contemporary context.

At its core, Metamorphosis aims to explore the dynamic relationship between art and the natural sciences. Each of the artists involved has a unique approach to the dual topics under consideration, and their diverse interpretations encompass a multitude of styles and methodologies. The exhibition encourages a deep integration between both disciplines, and incorporates artworks that investigate experimentation, hybridity, physiological studies, psychoanalytical models, musical interpretation, the historically traditional métier of taxidermy, the specialised craft of glass blowing and sculptural interventions within the space.

Metamorphosis will open at PS2 on Friday 19th October from 6 – 9pm and the exhibition will continue until 10th November 2012. The gallery opening hours are Tuesday to Friday 1pm -5pm, Saturday 11am-3pm.


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