Saturday 28 April 2012


The Engine Room Gallery in Belfast hosts Three x 3; an exhibition of work by Andrea Spencer, Sean Campbell and Scott Benefield. The exhibition aims to bring contemporary studio glass to a wider audience. Three x 3 was first exhibited at Craft NI Display Space for August Craft Month 2010 before touring widely and is now returning to Belfast. Though the three artists involved work with different techniques and address completely different subject matter, they have come together to address the relative scarcity of artistic glass on exhibition.

This exhibition is supplemented by an educational display that presents the history of glass as an artistic medium, explains the beginnings and significance of the global studio glass movement, and offers information about the particular glassmaking techniques that are on view in the exhibition spaces. There are also videos of the artists at work in their studios as they create some of the pieces included in the show. The exhibition runs from 5th to 28th April 2012.

T: 028 9045 5184

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